一个简单的判断低质量服务的规则: 问问自己,"如果他们骗了我并被我揭发,他们改个名字继续行骗会不会很容易?"(LSAT内部人士改分数诈骗)

GRE325+ 保分实录,美籍🇺🇸客户说等将来事业有成要给我们盖个神殿🏛️😹 "i will build a daisy shrine when I become successful. i tried to do math problems as fast as i can to compete whoever is solving on the other side lowkey lol it was fun experience."
by Daisy · Updated Dec 11, 2022
- 美籍🇺🇸客户下单GRE保分! 客户没考虑到手续费,导致定金短少一小部分。
- GRE325+ 保分实录,美籍🇺🇸客户说等将来事业有成要给我们盖个神殿🏛️😹 "i will build a daisy shrine when I become successful. i tried to do math problems as fast as i can to compete whoever is solving on the other side lowkey lol it was fun experience."
- GRE330+正式出分,开心之余美籍🇺🇸客户不仅介绍朋友来,自己也想再考第二次,希望能拿到更高的分数: "I made it damn sure that I’m receiving that score that you’ve blessed me with and I’ve paid for. My boys are mad excited and interested in paying and using your service. I was really happy w my 33X but I was looking through the averages for programs and I may need a higher score. any shot you can cut me a deal for 335+ if we do this a second time. "
GRE325+ 保分实录✅,美籍🇺🇸客户说等将来事业有成要给我们盖个神殿🏛️😹
"i will build a daisy shrine when I become successful. i tried to do math problems as fast as i can to compete whoever is solving on the other side lowkey lol it was fun experience."