
🇺🇸“你只需要看着他们操作就行”:客户分享他们通过我们的GMAT代考服务取得100% Percentile分数的经历
客户聘请我们代考GMAT Online Focus Edition后遇到了一次常规的安全检查(security review)。
安全检查时有发生,但不会影响最终成绩的获取。考试几天后,他们收到了官方GMAT成绩——惊人的100% Percentile的分数!
我强烈推荐Daisy和她的团队。 从一开始,Daisy就非常热心、及时回应,并且对流程解释得非常直白。你只需要选择你想要的分数目标,支付定金,然后在考试当天看着代考者完成考试即可。考试结束后,支付剩余的款项就行了。 我必须承认,起初我非常怀疑,但当Daisy展示了之前客户的推荐后,我放心了许多。 此外,在考试前,Daisy和她的团队在我的电脑上安装了软件,并帮助我练习“在摄像头前表现得漂亮”,以避免引起怀疑。这让我很有信心,最终一切都很顺利。 Daisy和她的团队绝对是专业的,如果有人想在GMAT上取得好成绩,我强烈推荐他们的服务。
I highly recommend Daisy and her team. From the start, Daisy has been very helpful, responsive, and straight forward about the process. All you need to do is literally choose your score target, pay your deposit, and watch the test taker do their thing on test day. Once your test is complete, you pay the remaining balance. I must admit, I was very skeptical at first, but once Daisy shared the testimonials of previous clients, I was a little relieved. Also, before the exam day Daisy and her team installed a software on my computer and helped me practice
"looking pretty for the camera" as to not raise suspicion. This gave me confidence and everything went smooth. Daisy and her team are nothing short of professionals, and I highly recommend for anyone wanting to Ace their GMAT.