一个简单的判断低质量服务的规则: 问问自己,"如果他们骗了我并被我揭发,他们改个名字继续行骗会不会很容易?"(LSAT内部人士改分数诈骗)
🇧🇬 GRE考试前夕,保加利亚客户决定升级至保分330+的套餐:老师实力展露!代考助力斩获极高分数!🌟 "Isn't that score too high? It’s unbelievable. I will have to lie to my friends and family. 😂😂😂”
by Daisy · Updated May 22, 2023
- 🇧🇬 来自保加利亚的客户下单GRE保分服务! 🌟 注意:非美元稳定币以外的加密货币请先换成USD Coin (USDC) 以规避价格浮动。
- 🇧🇬 GRE考试前夕,保加利亚客户决定升级至保分330+的套餐:老师实力展露!代考助力斩获极高分数!🌟 "Isn't that score too high? It’s unbelievable. I will have to lie to my friends and family. 😂😂😂”
- 🇧🇬 "Hi it's me again - thank you again for helping me score big on the GRE." GRE正式成绩公布 🎉:保加利亚客户在我们的代考帮助下取得极高分,下一步考虑GMAT! 🎆
- 🇧🇬 "The best decision I've made in 2023!" 从怀疑到信服:保加利亚客户在GRE正式出分后分享满满一页篇幅的Testimonial 🎇
🇧🇬 我们为保加利亚客户代考助力GRE考试。
"Since you appear highly professional, I am convinced to go with the 330+ score package."
考试前夕,培训演练完后,客户决定升级至保分330+的套餐。 ✨
"Isn't that score too high? It's unbelievable! I will have to lie to my friends and family. 😂😂😂"
结果我们的GRE老师用力过猛,最后得到令客户非常惊喜的极高分数! 🤩