由香港🇭🇰老客户介绍自己朋友来考的GRE 330+顺利完成✅
by Daisy · Updated Nov 10, 2022
- "I am a previous customer. Can you help my best friend take his GRE?" 来自旧Telegram帐户上,香港🇭🇰老客户的转介绍。 GRE代考330+接单!!经老客户介绍来的客户是最优质的~🚀
- 由香港🇭🇰老客户介绍自己朋友来考的GRE 330+顺利完成✅
- GRE代考考试330+正式出分,香港🇭🇰老客户的转介绍,完美落幕, "Definitely great service, really professional!! Super worth it!" 希望客户们结束后都能留下心得review。 😸⚽
由老香港🇭🇰客户介绍自己朋友来考的GRE 330+顺利完成✅
"Any chance if you remember assigning both of us the same test taker? The test taker cracked very similar jokes for both of us, found it amusing. That's actually really funny. Thanks again for helping both of us."