GMAT代考保分730+完成✅!!"Do you know if it's normal? I've never had to wait for more than 3-4 minutes." 学生等了20分钟才有监考出现,不要紧张,耐心等待,分数自来😎
by Daisy · Updated Sep 14, 2022
- 🚨“I have been burned in the past.”美国客户找了价格便宜的中介DXXXXX,对方不考试反而不断要钱!
- GMAT代考保分730+完成✅!!"Do you know if it's normal? I've never had to wait for more than 3-4 minutes." 学生等了20分钟才有监考出现,不要紧张,耐心等待,分数自来😎
- GMAT Online 730+正式成绩单来了! 考后光速出分⚡ "Thank you for getting me to my target score! The process was easy and smooth. I did as instructed and there were no issues throughout the exam. Thanks Daisy!" 一扫客户过去被不良代考中介骗钱的阴霾。🙂
GMAT代考保分730+完成✅!!"Do you know if it's normal? I've never had to wait for more than 3-4 minutes." 学生等了20分钟才有监考出现,不要紧张,耐心等待,分数自来😎